Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 41 - July 14

It has been a week since I have posted pictures. We have been really busy but I have managed to capture a few pictures! A friend of mine at work, Tonya, brought some of her corn to me today. Of course, I had to boil that right up for dinner when I got home!

Samantha had fun at first and then decided she had enough and wanted to feed her daddy!

A busy weekend is upon us but we are ready! Hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful one as well!

Day 40

might be day #3 that i didn't get a picture taken....which out of 40...isn't bad!

Day 39

My baby girl...what can I say? She is such a pleasure to be around. I enjoy singing with her every evening. Her favorites are Row Row Your Boat, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Patty Cake, and the best part is getting to tickle her non stop!

Day 38

I did this for my cousin Elise. She is in dental school and would be happy that I received this at work, brought it home and is still sitting on the table! HAHA!!!

Day 37

I can't believe the house looks this clean after coming home from being gone all day Saturday and Sunday!

Day 36

There are too many pictures to put up here from this day i KY! We drove up to KY and met Grammie, Papa Jack and Aunt Amy for the day. We went to dinosaur world, the wax museum and the wildlife museum. Allie and Amy enjoyed a few minutes in the pool while Samantha ran up and down the hall ways!

Day 35

I think I forgot to take a picture this day....we were packing, getting ready to go out of town for the weekend and I didn't feel well! Oh well, I think this might have been the 2nd day missed which is ok with me!

Day 34 July 7

Last Thursday (yes a week ago) I sat in a meeting listening to it rain. I had no idea that in a little over a hour, Cool Springs would be under water. Allie asked what was going on and why was a helicopter flying above us as we were trying to get to Samantha! I am glad that i wasn't at the mall this day!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 33

There is a chance of rain everyday...yesterday it had rained and the sky looked pretty cool. Allie and I were getting off the interstate and stuck in traffic so I took this picture.

The number on this picture was 422. Really? 422 pictures on my iPod? I bet I know who has taken 400 of those - ALLIE!!!!! I have deleted most b/c they are pictures of nothing but who cares that is the beauty of digital pictures!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 32

The sweetest kid on the block!

Day 31 - Happy 4th of July

don't even know where to star with all the pictures I took! This was breakfast - 4th of July pancakes

Our cake pops we were trying - this was before chocolate cover coating!
Allie had to have her face painted!
Me and my girls!
Sam the firecracker!
My mom and dad
The family
Allie scared

Day 30

Cinnamon roll time! The funny part came Saturday when I was making the dough and couldn't remember what kind of flour I used. Bread flour isn't it and I learned the hard way. Both mom and Jon said I should write it down but I don't think I will ever forget that one! They were yummy!

Day 29

We went swimming for the day but Sam had other ideas...wanting to play peek a boo in the cabinets!

Allie needed to drink like the big kids, only her drink was tea!

Day 28

I had to fill up Friday at some point in time and I was in a training class on the other side of town. So glad I waited!!!!

Day 27

I have got to do better about posting on the days i take the pictures b/c i have not a clue what picture I took today! My nice camera has dates but the ipod does not! So.....